What's the right lube for you?
How to choose a bike chain lube.
A simple way to remember which lube for which riding conditions? Wet lubes for normal to wet conditions, dry lubes for normal to dry conditions.
Now, let's figure out which type of lube is the best for you and the way you ride.
Wet Lubes.
Wet lubes are typically oil based and are designed to lubricate as well as displace water, thereby protecting the chain from wear and rust. Although wet lubes are best for wet conditions, they tend to attract dirt and are best suited for riders that keep a regular maintenance schedule...cleaning and lubing frequently to avoid grimy build-up attracted by the wet lube. Some wet lubes are now formulated with additives traditionally used in dry lubes. The most common of these are PTFE's(Fluoropolymers like Teflon®) and wax. These additives enhance wear protection while maintaining the basic wet lube characteristics.
- Best for wet conditions, stays on when wet.
- Fills gaps in chain and component parts to inhibit water and contaminants from entering.
- Longer lasting than dry lubes, allowing for less frequent application, although avid riders will find themselves cleaning and lubing more often to avoid grimy build-up.
- Resists salt corrosion
- Better at reducing drivetrain noise.
- Attracts dust and grime.
- Requires more frequent clean and lube cycles to keep chain operating optimally.
Summary: Wet lubes are best suited for these conditions.
- Rainy
- Snowy
- Frequent stream crossings on trails
- Commuters and kids that may encounter various weather conditions on their way to work or school
- Marine environments
Dry Lubes.
Dry lubes excel in drier riding conditions. They are applied wet but the carrier liquid will evaporate leaving a wax or polymer coating that provides the lubrication and protection. Because of the dry finish, dry lubes provide a lighter and cleaner lube option. Even after repeated applications, the dry lube will keep components cleaner and with less dirt build-up than a wet lube. The trade off is that dry lubes will wash away much easier than a wet lube in wet conditions. Dry lubes also wear away quicker than wet lubes, requiring more frequent applications. Dry lubes should also be allowed drying time between application and usage.
- Best for dry or dusty conditions
- Stays cleaner than a wet lube in similar conditions
- New lube can be applied between frequent short rides without dirty build-up
- Less clean and lube cycles required over multiple applications
- Washes off in wet conditions
- Requires frequent application for continued protection
Summary: Dry lubes are best suited for these conditions.
- Dusty or dry conditions on the road or trail
- Warm weather riding when weather is not a factor
- Cruisers or kid's bikes that will encounter dusty or sandy surfaces
Specialty Lubes.
Specialty lubes are still basically wet or dry lubes but are formulated for unusually extreme riding conditions or specific user preferences. The types of lubricants you may find in this category include wax, fluoropolymer, ceramic and biodegradable.
Lube Type: Wax
Wax lubes apply wet but then dry to create a protective coating around component parts. With each application the wax buildup increases, providing very good protection and lubrication. Wax lubes however are flaky, and require repeat applications to maintain effectiveness.
Lube Type: Fluoropolymer
Lubes that contain fluoropolymers(PTFE's) are typically dry lubes, however some wet lubes include PTFE's for added protection. Some lubes will include PTFE's as well as wax. PTFE's go on wet like a wax lube, but dry to form a thin film coating of protection. PTFE based dry lubes are also susceptible to washing off in wet conditions, but do not flake as easily as wax lubes. Most lubes with multiple additives will charge more for their products. Whether this added cost is worth it depends on how often and how far you ride, and how much time you want to dedicate to maintenance.
Lube Type: Ceramic
Ceramic lubes also come in wet and dry versions and vary in viscosity. Ceramic lubes include micro particles of Boron Nitride, a substance that lubricates in a way similar to graphite. This produces a thin protective layer that liquid or polymer based lubes cannot match. The carrier fluid will determine if the ceramic lube behaves like a dry or wet lube. Additional additives like fluoropolymers or wax can also determine the working properties of each type of ceramic lube. Viscosity may be a consideration mostly reserved for wet lubes. The idea being that a thicker, stickier lube will better adhere to surfaces during wet conditions, providing better protection.
We hope the information in this article has helped you better understand which bike lube is the most appropriate for the way you ride and the conditions you ride in.
RocRide® produces a complete line of bicycle lubes to cover the needs of most riders. From the commuter to the weekend enthusiast to the seasoned pro, RocRide® has a lube to meet your needs.
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CERAMIX™ Off Road Wet Chain Lube
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Wax-Based Dry Chain Lube with PTFE.
3.38 oz Bottle (100ml).
:|~|:prdimgalt:--:CERAMIX™ Off Road Wax-Based Dry Chain Lube with PTFE. 3.38 oz Bottle (100ml).:|~|:prdimg:--:https://cdn01.zipify.com/images/000/472/482/original/5197887_20180613T000513.jpeg:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-5197887:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:product:|~|:prdbtnelt:--:_self:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:VIEW DETAILS:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-medium bcss-5197887:|~|:handle:--:ceramix-off-road-dry-chain-lube-wax-based-with-ptfe:|~|:brdclass:--:zpa-border-style-none zpa-border-thickness-small ba-5197885:|~|:blckscnt:--:2:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cartECO-X™ All Purpose Bio-Based
Bike Lube with PTFE. 4 oz Bottle.
:|~|:prdimgalt:--:ECO-X™ All Purpose Bio-Based Bike Lube with PTFE. 4 oz Bottle.:|~|:prdimg:--:https://cdn01.zipify.com/images/000/472/485/original/5198219_20180613T000625.jpeg:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-5198219:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:product:|~|:prdbtnelt:--:_self:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:VIEW DETAILS:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-medium bcss-5198219:|~|:handle:--:eco-x-bio-based-lube:|~|:brdclass:--:zpa-border-style-none zpa-border-thickness-small ba-5198216:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cartEPIX™ All Purpose Bike Lube.
3.38 oz Bottle (100ml).
:|~|:prdimgalt:--:EPIX™ All Purpose Bike Lube. 3.38 oz Bottle (100ml).:|~|:prdimg:--:https://cdn01.zipify.com/images/000/472/486/original/5198218_20180613T000739.jpeg:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-5198218:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:product:|~|:prdbtnelt:--:_self:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:VIEW DETAILS:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-medium bcss-5198218:|~|:handle:--:epix-all-purpose-bike-lube:|~|:brdclass:--:zpa-border-style-none zpa-border-thickness-small ba-5198215:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cartPOLYTREX™ Dry Chain Lube with PTFE.
3.38 oz Bottle (100ml).
:|~|:prdimgalt:--:POLYTREX™ Dry Chain Lube with PTFE. 3.38 oz Bottle (100ml).:|~|:prdimg:--:https://cdn01.zipify.com/images/000/472/487/original/5198217_20180613T001732.jpeg:|~|:prdclass:--:ba-5198217:|~|:prdbtnltp:--:product:|~|:prdbtnelt:--:_self:|~|:prdbtncpt:--:VIEW DETAILS:|~|:prdbtnclass:--:zpa-button-medium bcss-5198217:|~|:handle:--:polytrex-road-bike-dry-chain-lube-with-ptfe:|~|:brdclass:--:zpa-border-style-none zpa-border-thickness-small ba-5198214:|~|:addcrtmsg:--:Product has been added to cartWhat riders are saying about our lubes...
This stuff is the best! I used it for almost everything I need to "loosen" up. It isn't goopy or sticky, so it works great!
May 18, 2018
I love the fact that this Bike Lube is environmentally friendly. Cyclists enjoy the beautiful environment we live in and want it to stay that way. This is a great value product too, much less Lube needed than traditional toxic lubes. I wouldn't hesitate to buy again.
Feb 13, 2018
Brad L
I just used my ECO-X Bio-Based Lube after thoroughly cleaning my chain. I applied a and went on with no problem. It’s light and easy to apply on the chain. I didn’t use it on any other components at this time just so that I can see how it works on the chain/drive-train. Our ride consisted of a 40-mile ride in the flats and hills. I listened to see if there was any noise or squeaking and the drive-train was pretty quiet. I’ll try it again on the next ride and give an update.
January 25, 2018
Ron S.
I did a thorough cleaning on my chain prior to the application to make sure it performs as stated. I let it dry overnight before our ride the following day to let it penetrate. During my ride I paid close attention to any abnormal noise and of course performance. Actually, it work quite well on a 50+ mile ride. Afterwards, i inspected the chain an other components for excess buildup and it was very clean.
May 21, 2018